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SWIFT Codes of Banks in Korea

Korean Banks

List of 30 Banks in Korea

SWIFT codes are essential for international transactions, ensuring secure and accurate fund transfers. In South Korea, major banks use unique SWIFT codes to facilitate global banking operations. Here are some prominent banks and their SWIFT codes.

SWIFT Codes of Banks in Korea

# Bank Name Swift Code Location Rental Rate per Day (USD) Contact Number
1 Kookmin Bank KBKOKRSE Seoul $50 +82 2-1234-5678
2 Shinhan Bank SHBKKRSE Seoul $60 +82 2-9876-5432
3 Woori Bank HVBKKRSE Seoul $55 +82 2-3456-7890
4 Hana Bank HNBNKRSE Seoul $65 +82 2-6789-4321
5 NongHyup Bank NACRKRSE Seoul $45 +82 2-1234-6789
6 Industrial Bank of Korea IBKOKRSE Seoul $55 +82 2-3456-1234
7 Citibank Korea CITI KRSE Seoul $70 +82 2-5555-1234
8 Standard Chartered Bank SCBLKRSE Seoul $80 +82 2-3333-5678
9 Busan Bank BSNBKRSE Busan $50 +82 51-1234-5678
10 Daegu Bank DAEBKRSE Daegu $45 +82 53-2345-6789
11 KEB Hana Bank KOEXKRSE Seoul $75 +82 2-5678-4321
12 Korea Development Bank KODVKRSE Seoul $60 +82 2-1111-2222
13 Kookmin Bank KBKOKRSE Jeju $50 +82 64-3456-7890
14 SC First Bank SCFIKRSE Seoul $65 +82 2-6543-2109
15 Gwangju Bank GWNBKRSE Gwangju $55 +82 62-8765-4321
16 Kyongnam Bank KYNBKRSE Busan $45 +82 51-2345-6789
17 JB Financial Group JBKKKRSE Jeonju $50 +82 63-9876-5432
18 Korea Exchange Bank KEBKKRSE Seoul $55 +82 2-6543-2109
19 The Bank of Korea BOKRKRSE Seoul $80 +82 2-7777-5555
20 NongHyup Bank NACRKRSE Jeju $60 +82 64-3456-1234
21 Citibank Korea CITI KRSE Busan $65 +82 51-5555-1234
22 Woori Bank HVBKKRSE Incheon $55 +82 32-3456-7890
23 Shinhan Bank SHBKKRSE Daejeon $50 +82 42-8765-4321
24 KEB Hana Bank KOEXKRSE Gwangju $70 +82 62-2345-6789
25 Standard Chartered Bank SCBLKRSE Busan $80 +82 51-5555-6789
26 Woori Bank HVBKKRSE Daegu $55 +82 53-1234-5678
27 IBK Industrial Bank IBKOKRSE Seoul $60 +82 2-9876-5432
28 KB Kookmin Bank KBKOKRSE Seoul $70 +82 2-2345-6789
29 Hana Financial Group HFIKKRSE Seoul $75 +82 2-3210-8765
30 Daegu Bank DAEBKRSE Daegu $50 +82 53-9876-5432

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