List of 30 Banks in Korea
SWIFT codes are essential for international transactions, ensuring secure and accurate fund transfers. In South Korea, major banks use unique SWIFT codes to facilitate global banking operations. Here are some prominent banks and their SWIFT codes.
SWIFT Codes of Banks in Korea
# | Bank Name | Swift Code | Location | Rental Rate per Day (USD) | Contact Number |
1 | Kookmin Bank | KBKOKRSE | Seoul | $50 | +82 2-1234-5678 |
2 | Shinhan Bank | SHBKKRSE | Seoul | $60 | +82 2-9876-5432 |
3 | Woori Bank | HVBKKRSE | Seoul | $55 | +82 2-3456-7890 |
4 | Hana Bank | HNBNKRSE | Seoul | $65 | +82 2-6789-4321 |
5 | NongHyup Bank | NACRKRSE | Seoul | $45 | +82 2-1234-6789 |
6 | Industrial Bank of Korea | IBKOKRSE | Seoul | $55 | +82 2-3456-1234 |
7 | Citibank Korea | CITI KRSE | Seoul | $70 | +82 2-5555-1234 |
8 | Standard Chartered Bank | SCBLKRSE | Seoul | $80 | +82 2-3333-5678 |
9 | Busan Bank | BSNBKRSE | Busan | $50 | +82 51-1234-5678 |
10 | Daegu Bank | DAEBKRSE | Daegu | $45 | +82 53-2345-6789 |
11 | KEB Hana Bank | KOEXKRSE | Seoul | $75 | +82 2-5678-4321 |
12 | Korea Development Bank | KODVKRSE | Seoul | $60 | +82 2-1111-2222 |
13 | Kookmin Bank | KBKOKRSE | Jeju | $50 | +82 64-3456-7890 |
14 | SC First Bank | SCFIKRSE | Seoul | $65 | +82 2-6543-2109 |
15 | Gwangju Bank | GWNBKRSE | Gwangju | $55 | +82 62-8765-4321 |
16 | Kyongnam Bank | KYNBKRSE | Busan | $45 | +82 51-2345-6789 |
17 | JB Financial Group | JBKKKRSE | Jeonju | $50 | +82 63-9876-5432 |
18 | Korea Exchange Bank | KEBKKRSE | Seoul | $55 | +82 2-6543-2109 |
19 | The Bank of Korea | BOKRKRSE | Seoul | $80 | +82 2-7777-5555 |
20 | NongHyup Bank | NACRKRSE | Jeju | $60 | +82 64-3456-1234 |
21 | Citibank Korea | CITI KRSE | Busan | $65 | +82 51-5555-1234 |
22 | Woori Bank | HVBKKRSE | Incheon | $55 | +82 32-3456-7890 |
23 | Shinhan Bank | SHBKKRSE | Daejeon | $50 | +82 42-8765-4321 |
24 | KEB Hana Bank | KOEXKRSE | Gwangju | $70 | +82 62-2345-6789 |
25 | Standard Chartered Bank | SCBLKRSE | Busan | $80 | +82 51-5555-6789 |
26 | Woori Bank | HVBKKRSE | Daegu | $55 | +82 53-1234-5678 |
27 | IBK Industrial Bank | IBKOKRSE | Seoul | $60 | +82 2-9876-5432 |
28 | KB Kookmin Bank | KBKOKRSE | Seoul | $70 | +82 2-2345-6789 |
29 | Hana Financial Group | HFIKKRSE | Seoul | $75 | +82 2-3210-8765 |
30 | Daegu Bank | DAEBKRSE | Daegu | $50 | +82 53-9876-5432 |